We have been busy the last few months out and about delivering various group work sessions which has been great as we have met lots of new people and have been blessed to spend time with people who are keen to make lifestyle changes which will enhance their emotional and physical wellbeing.
As we know it takes courage to take the first step to make any change, as human beings as painful as our emotional distress can be, unconsciously we can also feel safe within our discomfort , as there can be familiarity and comfort in the very discomfort that challenges us!
So changing thoughts feeling and behaviours takes courage, commitment and a good understanding of ourselves and our habitual patterns. This can be challenging when we first decide to make changes or indeed when our emotional distress becomes too much that we have no option but to address the issues in our life. Experiential learning about ourselves can enable us to take back ownership and responsibility for our own emotional and physical wellbeing as we are our own best teachers. When we increase our self-awareness and implement a new way of being this can enable us to connect, challenge and change our negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
The Therapeutic sessions we provide are experiential and interactive. This format of learning enables you to truly connect to your own specific individual experiences in a safe nurturing environment which provides a holistic approach and psychoeducational tools to empower you to make positive lifestyle changes.
Below is some feedback from our Retrain Your Brain – Mood Food & our Retrain Your Brain Bite Size Sessions.
Retrain Your Brain – Mood Food
Our three day workshop which is spread over a six week period does take commitment and time but the feedback so far has been that participants wished the sessions were even longer! Which is great feedback for us.
Here is one of our lovely Participants discussing her experience
Below is some feedback from our sessions
“This workshop is different as when you go on a course you don’t always get involved. This course has made me look at myself and my health. I can now say I know what I am doing wrong and can fix it with work we have done on the course. You don’t always get a chance to think about your own feelings and behaviours, but this course makes you think and helps you to do things to change your lifestyle”
“It`s a good course to help you learn tools to be able to cope without using food as a comfort / coping mechanism”
“It`s made me slow down and look at my thoughts and feelings before I start on the automatic behaviour. It helped me identify how I was feeling and why I am using food to comfort and soothe. It has helped me stop some automatic behaviours and change my reactions to stress and difficult situations”
“I have a better understanding on how food effects my mood, but more so I know it is a journey now and will take time”
“This course was explained in detail, the presenters were able to share their journey. To which clients could relate and share our experience, honesty is the best policy to get through the group…. It helps you let go and get a better understanding of why and how you feel low. My mindset has changed about how I look at food, moods, wellbeing. ”
“It was completely about the individual and what would help each one of us. Dieting was not talked about it was healthy eating”
“I have been to every slimming club that was invented and gained more from these three sessions about healthy eating. The group were lovely. The presenters were just great and treated us as individuals. I would recommend this course really highly. Thank you so so much Valerie & Claire”
Retrain Your Brain – Mood Food Bite Size Sessions
Our Bite Size Session has been developed as we were approached by an organisation who were really interested in our Retrain Your Brain – Mood Food sessions for their staff teams, although they felt their staff would be unable to commit to three full days. After discussions with the organisations Health and Wellbeing chairperson we provided bespoke sessions, which were half day sessions.
Below is some feedback from the sessions we provided
“It has made me think about what I am putting in my body and giving my children. Whether food could directly correlate with mood and anxiety. Nobody has explained that we may have learned these patterns early on. The course is new and exciting. I want more”
“Focus thinking – not attended anything CBT before”
“provides food for thought (Sorry) regarding eating and wellbeing issues”
“Gave me plenty to think about very informative”
“It was different as it was interactive which I like. It has made me think more about how what I am eating effects my feelings and has encouraged me to make better choices”
“Interesting and thought provoking”
“It was simple to understand”
“Although I am already aware of what I should do, I now feel that I need to look more at the reasons and how to change those habits”
“Bite size is a great starter but would like more sessions”
“This was just a taster the CBT element would be very useful”
“Allowed the ability to realise issues and problems I have within myself, made me excited to actually, “check in” with myself and my thoughts, feelings and emotions!”
“Addresses relevant issues”
“Food for thought – Pardon the pun”
“It really made me think about my relationship with food”
“I`m intrigued to find out more. I think I will be contacting you to see if we can learn more. Thank you for coming. It was very interesting and eager to learn more”
“It provides a nice insight into the thought process/learned behaviours behind eating”
“I found it informative and valuable”
“Fun and informative”
“Course was extremely interactive and useful. Allowed me to look into myself and the issues I have.100% thought the course was useful and made as informal and adaptable as possible – Thank you so much!”