We are excited to be delivering our Retrain Your Brain workshop in our new home in Kilmarnock. It would be lovely if you could join us.
The workshop is over three separate days spread over a six-week period to enable you to develop and learn a new way of being in YOUR relationship with food. The workshop has a maximum of eight attendees and incorporates Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Nutrition. CBT focuses on how our thoughts and beliefs affects our feelings and behaviour. CBT also teaches us new skills for different issues we have in our lives. Nutrition helps us to understand how to fuel our mind and bodies in a positive way.
Our aim is to provide you with a safe nurturing environment which enables you to connect, challenge and change the negative relationship you currently have with food. The workshop provides experiential learning specific to you and your thoughts and feelings and ultimately our aim is to support you to regain ownership and responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.
Please visit our Retrain Your Brain Page for more information. We have limited places available please get in contact to book your place.